The Dupui General Store Ledger:  1743-1793
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                 WAR Colonel James Burd                                                                              


Upon being promoted to the rank of Colonel,
James Burd took it upon himself to review the status of over a dozen French & Indian War forts.  He continued in his rank as Colonel until the dissolution of the Pennsylvania Regiment.

He offers the Dupui fort some favorable commentary.

James Burd on his tour of inspection in 1758 reports:


March 2’d, Thursday.
Marched from hence [Teed’s Block House] at 9 A.M. for Mr. Samuell Depews, went by the way of Fort Hamilton to Vew that place, arrived at Fort Hamilton at 2 P.M., vewed it & found it a very porr Stockade, with one large house in the middle of it & some familys in it. This is 15 miles from Tead’s.

Arrived at Mr. Depews at 4 P.M., 6 miles, snowed much & prodigious cold, ordered a Revew tomorrow morning at 9 A.M.

This is a very fine Plantation, Situate upon the River Delaware, 21 miles from Tead’s & 100 Miles from Phila’a, they go in Boats from hence to Phila’a by the River Delaware, which carrys about 22 Ton. This place is 35 miles from Easton & 38 from Bethlehem. There is a pretty good Stockade here & 4 Sweevells mounted & good accommodation for soldiers.

3’d Friday.
Revewed this Garrison and found here 22 good men, 50 lb of powder, 125 lb of lead, no flints, a great Quantity of Beaff, I suppose 8 Mo. Provisions for a Comp’y, but no flour, plenty of flour at the Mill, about 300 yards from the Fort. My horses being tyred I’m obliged to hault here today. Extreme cold. The Country apply for a Company to be Stationed here. Ordered Ensigne Hughes to his Post at Swetterrow.





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